As we start to exit the colder winter months and with Home Bulk Tank and Commercial LPG prices having now peaked we would normally expect to see a slight easing in LPG prices as local demand reduces and average daily temperatures start to rise. However, and with so much uncertainty and volatility around oil prices, exchange rates and ‘Brexit’, for once the seasonal price adjustments that are normally associated with the wholesale LPG market are far less predictable. For the next two years it is expected that this volatility within the LPG industry and the wider energy market will make it a lot more difficult for the essential users of ‘Grid’ and ‘off-Grid’ energy to pin point when the best time to buy energy or to switch their energy provider.

What we have witnessed within the LPG market specifically is a much greater focus on quality and service. With Home Bulk Tank & Commercial LPG arriving by road tanker and with so many essential users of LPG now being totally reliant on continuity of supply (silent running) for domestic heating and hot water, manufacturing and process, hotels & leisure, agriculture, pig & poultry (to name but a few), those LPG Suppliers that rank most highly in terms of modern supply point infrastructure, age and reliability of road transportation, high levels of Customer Service both ‘on-line’ and via leading edge, efficient Contact Centres supported by well trained and knowledgeable staff, are continuing to shine.

For these reasons there is an ever increasing need for home owners and businesses to take a much closer look at their LPG Bulk Tank or LPG Cylinder position.

If you are interested in finding out more about the volatility within the UK LPG market, the efficiency measures that you can take or talk through any other aspect of your LPG supply, please get in touch on 0800 043 6100.