Switching your Home Bulk Tank LPG supply with www.lpg-save.co.uk is simple and can save you a lot of money yet only 8% of Home Bulk Tank LPG users regularly switch, meaning that you too could be missing out on savings well in excess of £500pa*

When switching your Home Bulk Tank LPG supplier its also important to consider the availability of Telemetry, for automatic ‘SMS’ based top-up, monthly payment plans, on-line Account Management and of course, continuity of supply – meaning that you will always have gas in your tank!

When you request a ‘Quick Quote’ from LPG-Save we will tell you immediately the best tariff available to you together with how much you could save, not only on your pence per litre gas price but also on the tank rental, also known as the ‘Standing Charge’.

Importantly there is no cost to you what-so-ever in switching your Home Bulk Tank LPG supplier.

Switching your Home Bulk Tank LPG supply is quick and easy. Once you have signed your ‘Switch Notice’ and ‘Supply Agreement’ we will take care of the rest and you don’t need to do anything more, but we are available on 0845 2222 045 just in case you do have any questions or queries.

Click here to start the Home Bulk Tank LPG comparison

*In April 2016 customers switching their Home Bulk Tank LPG supply with us saved an average of £516pa, our largest saving being over £1700pa, the absolute savings being calculated on the number of litres estimated pa multiplied by the pence per litre saving, plus the impact of any Gas Credit, FREE LPG gas, being offered by the new supplier